Discover tips, tools, and tutorials to help you succeed in freelancing and creative entrepreneurship. From Canva design hacks to monetization strategies, The Freelance Mom is your go-to resource for building a flexible and fulfilling career
The 19 Best Side Hustles for Teachers (2025)
If you're a teacher, you know that your salary alone probably doesn't cover all of your household expenses. In...
47 Best Work from Home Business Ideas for Moms (in 2025)
Being a mom is a constant juggling act and trying to fit a career into the middle of raising kids isn't always an easy...
Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners
Do you want to start freelance writing but don't know how? You're not alone. A lot of people, especially moms, are...
Two Must-Have Tools to Launch Your Amazon KDP Business in 2025
Ready to start your Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) business in 2025 but unsure where to begin? Don’t worry—I’ve got you covered! If you’ve...
The 19 Best Side Hustles for Teachers (2025)
If you're a teacher, you know that your salary alone probably doesn't cover all of your household expenses. In addition to covering your family...
47 Best Work from Home Business Ideas for Moms (in 2025)
Being a mom is a constant juggling act and trying to fit a career into the middle of raising kids isn't always an easy task. If you're looking for a...
Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners
Do you want to start freelance writing but don't know how? You're not alone. A lot of people, especially moms, are interested in freelance writing,...
10+ Proven Strategies to Create a Journal to Sell on Amazon KDP
If you've ever thought about how to create a journal to sell on Amazon KDP, then you'll want to dive into this one! You don't need sophisticated...
The Secret to Boosting Productivity for WFH Moms
Transform your work space with a biophilic home office design – the perfect blend of nature and productivity for work-from-home moms.
Freelancing Opportunities that are still relevant in 2024
In 2024, the landscape of work has evolved dramatically, offering new freelancing opportunities for those seeking a blend of professional...
40 High Paying Freelance Writing Niches for 2024
Wondering what the best & high-paying freelance writing niches are for 2024? As the freelance writing industry continues to grow, it can be...
Embracing the Journey of a Successful Freelance Mom
Becoming a mother doesn't mean giving up on your career dreams. In fact, motherhood can be a powerful catalyst that drives women towards a flexible,...